Art for Autism

One area our family has been highly impacted by is autism, as our adorable 4 year old, Catherine, “experiences” this condition. I guess that’s the politically correct way to say it! She is still preverbal, and we are working hard with her to develop communication, in all forms. One thing we’ve worked a little with it PECS cards, although I have to say the cards were a bit cumbersome for us to use as a primary communication system, and sign language has gone a little better. She likes the cards when we can find a card for what she actually wants at the time she wants it (and we have it! No use for a “grapes” card when we’ve just run out!) - but I’ve been on a little bit of a quest to find some BETTER art, to make custom cards. Here are some hand signals I used to create an art pack - although the Mulberry symbols I talk about below have a lot more variety, including nouns and verbs from everyday life. I’m also working in getting the ASL alphabet into our app, so that people can create colorful variations to incorporate into their materials. I’d love to find a large open source or Creative Commons collection, with even more hand signals.


I found a fantastic [Creative Commons collection from the UK] ( - it looks the funding dried up and they had to discontinue development, which is too bad - but I am delighted that the graphics have been released to the public. We’ve got nearly 3,000 of these image in Kwippe. I am working on ways to add words, backgrounds, and more to make these graphics more accessible to parents, children, and therapists - and would love any advice on what people would like to see.

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